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Humane Layoffs

March 3, 2025
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST
60 Minutes
Webinar Id:
Register Now
Price List
$149. One Participant
$299. Group Attendees
Recorded Version
$199. One Participant
$399 Group Attendees
Combo Offers
Live + Recorded
$299 $348   One Participant
$599 $698   Group Attendees

Group Attendees: Any number of participants

Recorded Version: Unlimited viewing for 6 months ( Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)


Due to COVID-19 and the current recession, many organizations are in the unfortunate situation where downsizing and layoffs are required in order to sustain the business and survive.

Join this webinar to learn seven best practices for planning and communicating layoffs, all the while preserving your company's employment brand and maintaining the dignity of your valuable employees.

Why should you Attend: Conducting layoffs is never pleasant. If you're a CEO who has no feelings about letting people go, you probably shouldn't be leading an organization to begin with. However, current economic conditions and market shifts have forced some organizations to make dramatic changes.

In these unprecedented times, having a step-by-step proven approach to handling the unpleasant task of informing an employee that they will no longer be employed will help leaders and managers avoid the most difficult employee reactions, such as legal liabilities, anger and hostility and maintain your organization's employment brand and the morale of your workforce "survivors" as market conditions improve, you need full productivity from all and for when your organization begins hiring again.

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Thinking through possible layoff scenarios
  • How should the news be delivered?
  • What and when to tell affected employees
  • What is means to terminated employees: it's not just the paycheck
  • How to show empathy and compassion in a layoff discussion
  • Acknowledging the value of the employee and their contributions
  • Creative and low cost ways to support your employees through the transition
  • Impact on the "survivors": how to keep morale up amongst those who are staying

Who Will Benefit:
  • HR Directors
  • Managers
  • supervisors in all Companies

Yedid Chavez is a talent management specialist at ITS. In her role, she is responsible for contributing to client projects such as leadership and team development programs, assessment, and employee surveys. Yedid brings prior HR experience from the legal industry to ITS and is currently conducting research on the impact of employee incivility in the workplace.

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